Baig-Amin, M.; Kalra, N.; Paknejad, D.; King, H. Feasibility and Effectiveness of Integrating Coaching in the Transition Phase with Survivors of Intimate-Partner Violence. (In Progress)
Baig-Amin, M. (2005). Understanding, Addressing & Preventing Domestic Violence in the Workplace. COPELINE, Washington, D.C.
Yoshioka, M.; Gilbert, L.; El-Bassel, N.; Baig-Amin, M. (2003). Social support and disclosure of abuse: Comparing South Asian, African American and Hispanic battered women. Journal of Family Violence 18 (3): pp. 171-180. Plenum Publishing Company.
Krishnan, S.; Baig-Amin, M.; Gilbert, L.; El-Bassel, N. (2001). Lifting the veil of secrecy: Domestic violence among South Asian women in the United States. In Shifting the Center: Understanding Contemporary Families. McGraw Hill.
Phijaisanit, P.; Baig-Amin, M.; Emmons, K. (1999). Out of the Silence: Fighting violence against women in Thailand. National Commission on Women’s Affairs and the World Bank.
Krishnan, S.; Baig-Amin, M.; Gilbert, L.; El-Bassel, N.; Waters, A. (1998). Lifting the veil of secrecy: Domestic violence among South Asian women in the United States. In A Patchwork Shawl: South Asian Women’s Voices in the United States. Rutgers University Press.

Legrain, E. & Baig-Amin, M. (2015). Healthy Relationships: Understanding Domestic Abuse. International Finance Corporation, The World Bank Group. Washington, DC.
Legrain, E. & Baig-Amin, M. (2015). Family Well Being: World Bank Country Offices. The World Bank Group and Family Network. The World Bank Group. Washington, DC.
Legrain, E., Baig-Amin, M., Paknejad, D., Goleman, D., Kashdin, T. (2014). Building Healthy Relationships at Home and the Workplace. The World Bank Group. Washington, DC.
Baig-Amin, M., Paknejad, D. (2014). Understanding Trauma & Building Resiliency. The World Bank Group and Family Network. The World Bank Group. Washington, DC.
Baig-Amin, M. & Singh, N. (2006). Stress Management: Practices in Mind & Body. International Community School Staff Workshop. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Baig-Amin, M. (2005). Managing Change & Transitions: Turning Challenges into Opportunities. International Community School Staff Workshop. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Stephan-Singh, A.; El-Bassel, N.; Gilbert, L.; Baig-Amin, M. (1999). HIV-risk among South Asian immigrant women. American Psychological Association: annual conference.
Baig-Amin, M.; El-Bassel, N.; Gilbert, L.; Waters, A.; Yosioka, M. (1998). A qualitative approach understanding violence against women in the South Asian immigrant community. American Public Health Association: 126th annual meeting.
Baig-Amin, M.; El-Bassel, N.; Gilbert, L.; Waters, A.; Yosioka, M. (1997). Reconceptualizing violence against women within immigrant populations: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Columbia University Social Intervention Group & Women & Gender Conference.
Baig-Amin, M.; El-Bassel, N.; Krishnan, S.; Gilbert, L.; Waters, A. (1997). Partner abuse among immigrant women of color. Columbia University Social Intervention Group: Sociobehavioral researchers in partnership with the community conference.
Baig-Amin, M.; Krishnan, S.; Gilbert, L.; El-Bassel, N. (1996). Toward a model for understanding domestic violence among South Asian immigrant women. American Public Health Association:124th annual meeting & exhibition.

Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW/LCSW) in Washington DC and Virginia
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Training
Basic Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Certification
Certification in Danger / Lethality Assessment
Certification in Field Instruction/Supervision
Member of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) / Bi-Lateral Tactile Stimulation Therapy
Neurobiological Legacy of Trauma / Sensori-Motor Training
Member of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress